♥ Goddess Mia ♥

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, enjoy your stay!

My name is Mia, I am a Software Engineer that is interested in

I made this website since I recently acquired a second PC that I can run all day and night. This page will contain a blog and mirrors to ressources and websites I find important. Contacting me is possible over Discord: _privated_ and Email: [email protected]

Support the Tor Project, I2P, Free Software Foundation and other Open Source projects that are fighting for your freedom. The internet is being consumed by corporations whose goal is to monetize us and our data. Do not let them! Fight for Freedom of Speech and for Privacy. Rebel against the tyranny of Web3 and governments all around the world. Do you think they are your friends? Think again, Snowden gave us insight into what their real goals are. Leaks all around the world reveal how our human rights are being violated for Money and War. They have no regard for human life and stop at nothing. The system is rotten to the core, we must burn it down. This is only possible if we unite, so raise your pitchforks, we are going for a witchhunt and we are taking no prisoners.

Link to my Blog: Blog

Clearnet Mirror / Onion Mirror / I2P Mirror b32 / I2P Mirror

My PGP key can be found here: pgp.txt